My Crazy Clan

My Crazy Clan

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Questions Anyone?

I’ve had a couple of ladies contact me in the last few weeks, asking for advice on bi-lateral mastectomies, so I’m going to address some questions and concerns that I think everywoman has when it comes to this subject.

If I have the BRCA gene should I get a mastectomy?

This is a very personal choice. If you have the mutated gene that causes breast cancer and ovarian cancer known as BRCA 1 or 2, than you should know you are ticking time bomb. Cancer is not a matter of IF I get cancer, but WHEN. Women who are younger and younger are getting breast cancer. What I do suggest, is to educate yourself! You might also have a hard time finding a doctor who is willing to perform a mastectomy if you haven’t had signs of cancer. For instance, I have a good friend who has the BRCA 2 gene. She also has lumps in her breast that the doctors have been keeping an eye on for the last three years, and yet her doctor won’t perform a mastectomy. She wants a mastectomy, and is frustrated with the medical industry, which brings me to my second question.

Who do I talk to about getting a mastectomy?

You will need a general surgeon and a plastic surgeon, because they will work together to reconstruct the breast. You will also want to shop around for a good plastic surgeon. Don’t be afraid to ask friends who have undergone this procedure, they will be able to provide amazing feedback. For instance, I have gone to two separate plastic surgeons, and I LOVE my second surgeon. She is actually fixing problems that occurred from my first surgeon.

Is this procedure something that my insurance will cover?

Check with your provider. Chances are if you have a family member that has had cancer, or if you carry the BRCA gene, it is considered preventative, so they will cover this procedure. Even if they won’t cover it, if this type of procedure will bring you peace of mind, then DO IT!

My sister recently underwent a bi-lateral mastectomy, and I was lucky to have her come stay with me as she was recovering. I have to say that her breasts look amazing. You could never tell that she had a mastectomy, verses someone who had cancer and then underwent a mastectomy. This is because when you have cancer, the general surgeon needs to remove, tissue, muscle and skin. By the time it is all said and done, the girls don’t look like movie stars. If you are really considering doing this procedure and need to ask questions, contact me, I would be happy to talk to you.

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